December 26, 2007
Think of it as a slightly late Christmas present to our readers a quartet of new poems from the pen (keyboard?) of Miss Erika Davies, who started out 2007 for our Poetry section and ends it on a similarly glorious note ...
New poetry:
Erika Davies
Recent poetry
August 2007:
Michael Estabrook
Clyde L. Borg
Previous poetry
July 2007:
May 2007:
Erika Davies
April 2007:
Daniel Barbiero
January 2007:
Erika Davies
December 2006:
Richard Riehl
Clyde L. Borg
David Fraser
Andrea Shumovsky
October 2006:
David Fraser
Dean Clarino
Scott C. Kaestner
David Fraser
September 2006:
Clyde L. Borg
Don Kingfisher Campbell
August 2006:
Daniel Barbiero
June 2006:
Daria Lucas
Deirdre Moore
Charlene Baldridge
Lisa Albright Ratnavira
Christopher Major
May 2006:
Don Kingfisher Campbell
Ursula T. Gibson
April 2006:
Erica Woiwode
Charlene Baldridge
March 2006:
Peggy Claire
December 2005:
Deirdre Moore
Frances Schiavina
Charlene Baldridge
November 2005:
Tomás Gayton
Christopher Mulrooney:
John Sweet:
October 2005:
Peggy Claire:
Tomás Gayton
Charlene Baldridge
September 2005:
David Fraser
Charlene Baldridge
July 2005:
Jessica Cortez
Erica Woiwode
Andrea Shumovsky:
June 2005:
Peggy Claire:
Clint Smith:
Winter 2004 issue:
Andrea Shumovsky:
Allene Keller:
Autumn 2004 issue:
Jessica Cortez
Anath Hartmann
Charlene Baldridge
Ram Mehta
Summer 2004 issue:
John Sweet
Erica Woiwode
Charlene Baldridge:
Cynthia Hasz:
Spring 2004 issue:
Andrea Shumovsky:
Stephen Scavott:
Charlene Baldridge:
Winter 2003 issue:
Martha Everhart Braniff:
Anath Hartmann:
Lauren Sassella:
David Rushing:
Doug Tanoury:
Jim Trageser:
Autumn 2003 issue:
Christopher Mulrooney:
Martha Everhart Braniff:
Gordon Gilhuly:
Ken Kalman:
r lee cook:
David Fraser:
Ram Mehta:
Summer 2003 issue:
Anath Hartmann:
C.E. Laine:
evvy garrett:
Spring 2003 issue:
Charlene Baldridge
Brenda Fine:
Kate Gressitt-Diaz:
Anath Hartmann:
Shane Sellar:
Christopher Woods:
Winter 2002 issue:
evvy garrett:
August 12, 2007
Michael Estabrook found us on that Internet thing and felt compelled to jump in. When we read his submissions, we felt compelled to welcome him! And the delightfully different Clyde Borg returns yet again. Good stuff, all ...
July 8, 2007
RaynRoberts checks in with another three gems from his pen powerfull stuff indeed!
May 13, 2007
Two of our favorite poets return to the pages of Turbula once again RaynRoberts and Miss Erika Davies ... nothing we can say here can compete with their magic: Go read their new poems!
April 22, 2007
Daniel Barbiero returns with by far the longest work of poetry we've published. Perhaps not epic in the traditional, structural sense, but definitely epic in its ability to capture a moment ...
January 28, 2007
We were only teasing you a touch a few weeks back when we posted the first half-dozen of the poems Miss Erika Davies sent us. Now we have another six up and anyone who managed not to fall very much in love with her poems last go-round is going to be unable to resist this time ...
January 9, 2007
You've no idea how extraordinarily pleased we are to present the poetic works of Miss Erika Davies in our pages. A San Diego-based singer of torch songs and ballads, Miss Erika has crafted a reputation for caressing a lyric as only the most devoted of lovers can. But if it was her music that first drew our attention (and you really should treat yourself to her exquisite singing at her MySpace page), it is her poems clever and lovely, evocative and aching that allow us to bring her to Turbula Nation. But enough, already: We only delay your discovery of Miss Erika Davies ...
December 31, 2006
Clyde L. Borg returns with a new poem, "JOHNSON," which, like his earlier "SCOTTY," is a nice bit of impressionism in words ... Richard Riehl, whose lithe essays we know from the local daily paper where he is a weekly opinion columnist, has blessed us with a set of love poems written for his wife. What we dig most is that these aren't sappy odes, but something deeper and more meaningful small snippets (in roughly haiku format) of everyday life shared by two people ... finally, we close out a 2006 which found us spoiled beyond imagination by the contributing poets with three more works from the incomparable David Fraser, whose snapshots of both the real and dream worlds are pure magic ...
December 10, 2006
Andrea Shumovsky has been one of our most generous contributors, and she returns with another round of five wonderfully touching poems ...
October 21, 2006
Dean Clarino sent us his dark but evocative take on Independence Day before July 4; we were gone then, and are only now getting it added here but it's good enough to read at any time of year. Scott C. Kaestner writes poems that are as visual as they are emotional while he forced us to crack open our HTML reference books to get his poems to appear as he wrote them, when they were finished they were so cool-looking we almost couldn't stand it, and they read even better. And we have another lovely trio of poems from David Fraser, who we hope is becoming a regular in these pages.
October 10, 2006
David Fraser, publisher of the excellent Ascent Aspirations literary journal, is an outstanding poet in his own right. We first were honored with his graceful writing in September '05; he's back now (and we particularly appreciate his ode to spring now, as fall descends on San Diego), and there's more in the hopper. Stay tuned ...
September 2, 2006
Clyde Borg's new submission is full-on noir poetry the way Bogie's big-screen private dicks would write if they wrote; Don Kingfisher Campbell is back with another seven works a first batch in May only whetted our taste for more, and we're glad he obliged ...
August 10, 2006
Not sure how Daniel Barbiero found us, but we're glad he did! Powerful imagery, tight structure = good stuff ...
June 27, 2006
Wow. That's been our reaction a lot this week. Wow. Wow to Deirdre Moore's two new poems. Wow to Daria Lucas' first two poems to ever be published. Deirdre first visited these pages in December, with her poem "The Good Bad Daughter." We're happy she's come back! Daria tells us she's never had her poetry published before this hopefully she'll find time to fit in some more while finishing her doctoral thesis!
June 11, 2006
Our goddess returns, and two more wonderful poets join the fold: Charlene Baldridge, whose illustrations, essays and poems have graced these pages more than anyone else's, has a new love poem; Christopher Major found us all the way from the shores of mighty Britannica, and we're mighty glad he did wonderful word play in his two poems; Lisa Albright Ratnavira is remembered by Turbula's founders from her times sharing her poetry at readings sponsored by Turbula's predecessor, THE BRIDGE Illustrated "My heritage" is a wonderful addition to these pages ...
May 27, 2006
Don Kingfisher Campbell found us a while ago, even though we didn't know it thanks to a hard drive crash and corrupted e-mail in-basket. Files were restored, correspondence discovered, and wonderful new poetry published ...
May 14, 2006
Last month, RaynRoberts turned us on to the magic that is Ursula T. Gibson. The longtime poetry editor at Poetic Voices (now, sadly, defunct) and the current poet laureate for Sunland-Tujunga, Gibson has shared two poems with us this month. We hope it's the beginning of a long relationship between a wonderfully gifted poet and Turbula's readers ...
April 23, 2006
New poems from three of our faves! Charlene Baldridge sends us more of the poetry she discovers in her e-mail spam at least somebody finds something positive in that stuff! And Erica Woiwode returns with an evocative ode to her god. And finally, RaynRoberts sends us his celebration of spring ...
April 12, 2006
RaynRoberts returns yet again, with four more poems that delight and challenge at the same time. It is always a joyful day when we get an e-mail from Rayn ...
March 2006
Three months since we last posted anything here, but it's not as if the well had gone dry. Rather, it simply took us long than anticipated to convert the whole site to .php (see the home page for details on that disaster!). Peggy Claire, San Diego chaunteuse and poet, was busy all along, typing old hand-written poems into her computer and e-mailing them to us. Eight of 'em and we're darn glad to present them here.
December 2005
Heading into a new year, and closing out an old, we are most pleased to have a wonderful mixture of Turbula faves as well as some new names in this space. RaynRoberts, who first graced these pages in September, shares a holiday poem that reminds us of the true spirit of the season. Deirdre Moore lives in San Diego; "The Good Bad Daughter" is her first submission to Turbula. As wonderfully ironic as it is, we hope it is followed by many more. Frances Schiavina has written a delightful bit of word play is it too early to beg for more? And Charlene Baldridge, resident Turbula goddess, has crafted another of our "found poems" taken from her morning e-mail spam.
November 2005
Having poets of the caliber of Tomás Gayton and Christopher Mulrooney contributing to these pages is a bit unsettling, to be honest. While we love discovering new, previously unpublished poets to present our readers, there is a certain shudder of excitement that only comes from sharing new works by established writers of national and international repute ... John Sweet found us last year, and his verse first graced our pages in the Summer 2004 issue. Dark and brooding his poem may be, but they're also somehow charming ...
October 2005
The wonderful Peggy Claire has sent us more of her deliciously evocative poetry; she debuted here atop our Poetry section in the spring when we rolled out our new "always on" format (i.e., no more issues) and we couldn't have been more pleased. Well, at least until the new batch came in! ... Charlene Baldridge continues to send us her "found" poetry as long as she does, we'll keep publishing these poems she crafts out of bits and pieces of her morning spam ...
We're not sure how Tomas Gayton found us we're just glad he did! His "La Tormenta" provides one of the most vivid senses of San Diego as place this side of Max Miller that we've yet encountered. And Turbula's graceful muse, Charlene Baldridge, shares another of her "found poems" plucked from the digital ash heap of her morning spam!
September 2005
David Fraser comes to us from Ascent Magazine, Aspirations for Artists, which he publishes and edits. It's a fine literary outlet, one Turbula encourages all its readers to visit. He's a heck of a poet as well, and we're pleased as punch to present three of his poems this month.
August was lost to hard drive crashes and other PC woes, so to start off September we're bringing a new poet and an old favorite together. Charlene Baldridge has appeared in the pages of Turbula well, dozens of times over the past few years. Poetry, theater critic, artist is there anything she can't do? RaynRoberts we found via, an Italian jazz site where Roberts serves as poetry editor. After we contacted him, it turned out that he and Charlene are friends and so presenting them together seems somehow right. The fact that both have sent in some really wonderful works only makes it even better.
July 2005
Jessica Cortez returns to us, her poetry having first appeared in Turbula in our Autumn 2004 issue, and her short story, "Among Admirers, Among Strangers," in the Summer 2004 issue. It's another wonderful batch of poetry this go-round, too.
Erica Woiwode wandered our way last year while still working on her master's. Now she's a bona fide prof at two community colleges, and we're prouder than ever to feature her poetry in our pages. She writes with a clean, spare style that we find utterly enchanting.
Andrea Shumovsky first found us for our Winter 2004 edition; we're pleased to have three more poems from her. Smart, evocative and fun, we think you'll like her work, too.
June 2005
Peggy Claire came to our attention as a jazz chanteuse of the highest order, a regular goddess in San Diego's musical pantheon. She found out about us and graciously agreed to share some of her evocative verse unbelievably, it's her first time being published.
Clint Smith found us online, and sent us some of his poetry his apocalyptic visions are unlike anything else we've ever read.