Conditional Approval
Charlene is a prolific writer, having had not only her poetry previously published, but theater reviews and columns as well (many here in Turbula). She's contributed to everyone from Investor's Business Daily to the La Jolla Village News. She was also a contributor to "Chicken Soup for the Volunteer's Soul."
poetry found by Charlene Baldridge in junk e-mail subject lines
We need you to update your application so we can process it.
Good day to you sir,
hey there
Are you ignoring me? Look what you can have
Don't be left behind the enlargement revolution!
Replicated to the Smallest Detail, 98% Perfeectly
Includes all Proper Markings
Should series among copyright
No Longer require our help?
I think you should
74% of our members got laid
in a snap of a finger,
hundreds of girls come and
ask "wanna date?"
Visit the site and get ready
AuthenicRep|icas. You can have one now,
quaint and palladian.
theist not rachmaninoff
Which sit a divertimento
Tons of girls and guys in your neighbourhood
Very madeline
And they care about nothing else than sex.
It's too easy!
As sit to shoelace weaken
Those joyful end rakish
Published April 2006