From One and Many Worlds
RaynRoberts is found in print and online at Rattle, Rattapallax, Retort Magazine, The Sow's Ear Review, Voices in Wartime, PoetsWest, Thunder Sandwich, The Pedestal Magazine, Void Magazine, Poet's Corner in Fieralingue and many others. He appears in four anthologies. In 2006, Evolving Editions Press in New York included him in its "Illuminations" series. His newest book, “Of One and Many Worlds,” from Poetic Matrix Press came out in August 2006. In 2003 he published "Jazz Cocktails & Soapbox Songs". He is the author of “The Fires of Spring”, a collection of Buddhist poems written in South Korea where he teaches English to university students. Visit his web site.
By RaynRoberts
"I dwell in possibility." Emily Dickinson
Where winter ends and spring begins
white plum willow green
yellow broom
break the monotony
of brown and grey
magnolias open like hands
asking nothing
offering all ...
Beak wing and claw
gather twig cloth limb and stick
whatever warms
the magpie nestling
In the waking hills
feral cats hunt and fatten
A white haze of mountain sky
falls to earth
the foggy breath of an imperial dragon
There is meaning
in every motion or change
the momentary violets
pushing into light, are questions
the old trap of time letting go
Is the coming of joy
and more pain
worth the space I take,
is the choice free
I don't know, but hold as seasons
spin 'round
this eternal spring
waking a world to all that is possible
Jinju, South Korea
April 13, 2006
Published April 2006