Online since August 2002
About Us

Our purpose is to have some fun while writing about the things that matter in life — music, art, theater, technology and literary pursuits. It strikes us that it's important to actually enjoy life — though the health and morality police increasingly frown on such frivolity.

And that's another problem with modern life — too many of the folks blessed enough to have received an education are politically polarized between right and left. We eschew both camps — the politically correct on both sides are likely to be offended by something in each issue of Turbula. If not, we're not trying hard enough.

We were founded in the summer of 2002 as an outlet for the creativity of ourselves, our friends and such folks as ran across our site and submitted. The name Turbula comes from a song the San Diego band Rotator did – making us, we believe, the only online 'zine with a theme song.

Submission guidelines

We are not currently accepting unsolicited submissions; we're not shutting down, but other commitments in life have made continuing Turbula on a regular basis impractical. So for the time being, we'll be on semi-hiatus.

Contact us

Use the form below to get in touch with us if you have any questions about Turbula.

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Subject :
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