Meeting an Archetype
RaynRoberts is found in print and online at Rattle, Rattapallax, Retort Magazine, The Sow's Ear Review, Voices in Wartime, PoetsWest, Thunder Sandwich, The Pedestal Magazine, Void Magazine, Poet's Corner in Fieralingue and many others. He appears in four anthologies. In 2006, Evolving Editions Press in New York included him in its "Illuminations" series. His newest book, “Of One and Many Worlds,” from Poetic Matrix Press came out in August 2006. In 2003 he published "Jazz Cocktails & Soapbox Songs". He is the author of “The Fires of Spring”, a collection of Buddhist poems written in South Korea where he teaches English to university students. Visit his web site.
By RaynRoberts
I'd thought it idea only or myth, but I met her
Anima, my other half
Fair skinned, blue eyed, blonde as I am
But with a smile
Like the light of dawn:
Friend healer mother teacher sister wife
She is a forest after rainfall
Lowland field of golden rice
The power of a storm to repel any threat
Hot-spring of healing water restoring body and mind.
I knew her thoughts by a look I've seen my father often
Across the distance of a room
Give my mother, then smile
Because each knows the other without words.
She and I were free but wise, children yet old
Holding hands in a land that holds only two
And the image went on when I woke
True as the air I breathe
Every woman I looked upon that day
Seemed to smile, invite me to be with her, with a look
That escapes words, even in the most exquisite poetry.
Published September 2005