the outer office
Christopher Mulrooney has written poems and translations in Los Angeles Journal, Chiron Review, Segue, Burning Leaf, The Drunken Boat and Voices Israel; criticism in Pyramid, The Film Journal and Parameter; and a volume of verse called "notebook and sheaves" (AmErica House, 2002).
By Christopher Mulrooney
see how it all is tiresomeness
oh I assure you yes it is shouldn't we
all sit in here while the quality of time
elapses progresses or should we say leaps
I was going to say elopes or even lopes
heh heh snicker ah well then it is
all decided it's a foregone conclusion you can
just sit here say it'll be a few laughs
how about a game of canasta bridge or whist
we'll just have to say a few bouts of television to pass the time
Published November 2005