My Blue (Black) (Indigo) Dress
Jessica Cortez is a graduate of Point Loma Nazarene University. Her short story, "Among Admirers, Among Strangers," was published in the Summer 2004 issue of Turbula, and her poetry was previously featured in the Autumn 2004 issue.
By Jessica Cortez
If tellers tell blues and
blowers blow truth,
then these, my dreams
unconscious terrors, where you, Bruja,
brand my hands raw, in awe, of
my blue (black) (indigo) dress
are of simple archetype.
If shadows elude illusions and
scars resonate reason,
then these, my dreams
where you, my Shaman Yaqui ancestress,
strip my mirror raw, in awe, of
my blue (black) (indigo) dress
are wrinkles on my aging skin.
Published July 2005