Wisdom From the 1040 Tax Booklet
Don Kingfisher Campbell is founder of POETRYpeople youth writing
workshops, publisher of the San Gabriel Valley Poetry Quarterly, leader of
the Emerging Urban Poets writing and Wednesday Afternoon Critique workshops,
and host of Monday Night Poetry in Pasadena. His first book of poetry, "Enter," was published by iUniverse Press.
By Don Kingfisher Campbell
You may round off cents to whole dollars.
Do not attach items unless required to do so.
An expense does not have to be required to be considered necessary.
A marriage means only a legal union between a man and a woman as husband and wife.
Some married persons who live apart are considered unmarried.
An adopted child is always treated as your own.
Temporary absences for special circumstances, such as detention in a
juvenile facility, count as time lived at home.
If your child is presumed by law enforcement authorities to have been
kidnapped by someone who is not a family member, you may be able to take the
child into account in determining your eligibility for ... the deduction of dependents.
With e-file consider your taxes done.
Published September 2006