-Yellow Rose-
Miss Erika Davies is familiar to San Diego music fans for her devotion to the old-timey ballad and her frequent performances at Lestat's West. Visit her MySpace page to learn more.
By Erika Davies
fall down a well to get back up
if i never again, somebody will take notice
i like it here
if i leave
all those people who never knew me
will never have a chance to care
oh dread
sour feet stuck to upside-down pie
remote control crowd
their arms tight
their eyes wide with envy
in the face
pour the milk on my bread
that's all
brown the onions
and bake
that is all
i like the smell of you
i could aways see your soul
that is why, now that you are gone
i feel a void
keep doing my thing
and i'll do yours
Published December 2007